Thursday, December 23, 2004

Small Business Email Marketing Case Study

This recent case study found that a small organization with very little funding proved a return on investment in record time. They teamed with a local email list management firm and increased list membership by 250%! The open rate is 50% and the click through rate 34%. In a very short time management saw the return on investment and actually hired a permanent position managing the newsletter.

ActivSoftware - Read the full case study

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Email List Management Case Study

Basically, this case study just reiterated to us that effective email list management will continue to grow as a tool of choice for direct marketers. More so, when we can clean out most of the spammers to make room for legitimate list managers we’ll all prosper immensely from this new millennium business tool.

I do have an ownership interest Campaign Intelligence, but, that said, it is pretty interesting information. Actually it is more of an interview with a list manager, and time strapped business owner, than a full-blown case study.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Choosing an Email Broadcast Firm

This publication is very helpful for marketing personnel seeking an email broadcast firm and for those competing in the industry. I use it as a sales tool to pick out the weaknesses of competitors and further highlight the strengths of our email broadcast firm. It is also a great reference for business managers to gather information that is pertinent to the features that should be added to existing email broadcast firms’ tools and services. The comparative chart of features is very helpful, well written and cost under $200.

Effectiveness of the CAN-SPAM Law

Although the CAN-SPAM law clearly defines the very basic elements required in any email correspondences, spam persists and very few even have a functional method to opt out of future mailings. The test showed conclusively that the CAN-SPAM law has resulted in very little, if any, net effect on spam. The problem exists that until there are high-level prosecutions of spammers, then the law is a hollow, albeit well-intended, failure. Unless the jail terms, or penalty fees, start to get utilized often, then the law will continue to be treated as a joke by spammers.

Remember, many of the articles referenced herein will become archived and you might need to pay for some of them. I will recommend any that I would pay for.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Business Class Email Servers

My partners and I will soon be published with about a half dozen articles highlighting the myriad of details that are missed with existing typical email server software. Issues about deliverability cover most of the topics, but the most important detail is that whatever your email server is missing when you conduct email marketing campaigns, or other corporate communications, you don't even KNOW WHAT you are missing! I will post summaries of our articles, both ours and others.

XM Mail Server