Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Higher Open Rates and Higher Click Rates

Let’s think for a minute what higher open rates mean. There are some issues with opens and determining whether it gets open or not, but using opens as the first standard, even if they are misreported, they indicate some degree of interest. Interest indicates that a Click is more likely. A Click is an action, and a positive action should results in a higher level of final actions, ultimately in sales of something. If opens go up and Clicks do not, then something is very wrong. A recent article in eMarkerter points to surveys that reprove yet again, the old marketing axiom that in any ad, old or new via e-mail, CUT THE CHATTER! Say more with less words. Be brief and give many options for viewers to act on. In other words, in new millennium marketing strategies, more links to more specific pages. That’s it in a nutshell! Now let’s stop pretending these basic principles of marketing have changed becuase the medium has.

Business Software

The full article: Getting E-Mail Opened and Click-Through Rates High


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